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The Human Genome Project has Delivered on its Promise to Treat Disease. Introducing GEMS, the Genetic Enzyme Methylation Syndrome

According to xR, the 4 billion dollar human genome study has provided data that will benefit the diagnosis and therapy of a great number of chronic diseases such as ADHD, Depression, Migraine, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, and Macular Degeneration. The genes responsible are in the methylation pathway and these lead to abnormal enzyme function vital to global gene control, neurotransmitter formation and the management of oxidative stress; the name GEMS is proposed to define this syndrome.

“The concept behind GEMS is that inherited genetic errors can cause abnormal enzyme speeds in the methylation pathway which leads to many diseases in predisposed patients”

The 13 year, 4 billion dollar Human Genome Project which mapped out the human genetic code has delivered on its promise to treat disease according to Drs. Rozakis and Bakke in a continuing medical education lecture at Southwest General Hospital in Cleveland Ohio where they unveiled the concept of GEMS or the Genetic Enzymatic Methylation Syndrome. This is a common condition and many diseases that run in families are typically caused by GEMS.

“The concept behind GEMS is that inherited genetic errors, as defined by the human genome project, can cause abnormal enzyme speeds in the methylation pathway which leads to many diseases in predisposed patients” says Dr. Rozakis, medical director. “Enzyme speed is very important because if one enzyme is too slow, biochemical processes back up, much like placing stop signs on a busy highway.

“The methylation pathway is extremely important”, says Dr. Bakke, whose post doctoral work was on the methylation pathway. “Methylation biochemistry creates our neurotransmitters, produces glutathione, the bodies most important antioxidant, and controls the turning on and off of all our genes. If this on-off process is not working properly, our genes are “out of control” and that can lead to serious autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Graves, and Type I Diabetes. Furthermore, inherited errors of genetics and enzymes in the methylation pathways can lead to Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, bipolar disease, depression, autism, and ADHD.”

“The list of illnesses related to the methylation pathways is long because the methylation pathway is so crucial for normal genetic and cellular function” says Dr. Rozakis who reviewed the medical literature to support these claims. “In fact, insufficient methylation is the most common finding in all cancers. When evaluating a patient, if there is a positive family history of any of the conditions mentioned, it is highly likely the patient has GEMS.”

We need to replace our belief that many diseases are of unknown origin. Diseases are caused or precipitated, to a large degree, by inherited genetic errors in the genes that cause abnormal speeds in the enzymes of the methylation pathways. Statistically, about 40% of the population has at least one genetic error in the methylation genes.

The beauty of GEMS is that it can be treated with targeted nutraceuticals, specific food avoidance and bioidentical hormones. Actress Annie Potts, a migraine sufferer whose history was presented at the lecture said, “When Dr Rozakis and Dr Bakke added methylation therapy to my hormone regimen there was a dynamic shift in my health helping to mitigate autoimmune factors and tremendously improving my energy.”

Stacy MacLean from Colorado, a migraine sufferer whose case was presented at the lecture said, “I had migraine for 25 years and they are now gone because my doctors at Aspen Family Practice along with Drs. Rozakis and Bakke figured out what was wrong with my genetics and enzymes in my methylation pathway. In the end, my solution was remarkably simple, once you knew the genetics.”

“Drs Rozakis’ and Bakke’s presentation has far reaching potential for family practice” says Les Emhof MD, a practitioner in Tallahassee Florida who routinely treats GEMS patients. “You can treat a child as soon as you know their genetics, decades before symptoms arise and that is a medical breakthrough.” Eleanor Womack MD from Austin Texas agrees. “I am seeing more and more patients whose diseases and symptoms are well explained by GEMS and it is exciting to treat patients definitively based on hard data derived from the human genome project.” Scott Sedlacek, an Optometrist, states, “I see in GEMS new hope to prevent eye disease and manage diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration non-surgically to defer or avoid current therapies that seek to inject medications into the eye.”

Dr. Rozakis credited Dr. Brian Bakke, a PhD in bio-organic chemistry for helping physicians bridge the gap in knowledge between clinical practice and the intensely scientific worlds of genetics and biochemistry.

One fascination with GEMS as compared to the current medical model is that correcting imbalances in biochemistry can prevent and benefit chronic diseases which make up 70% of the healthcare dollar. This has the potential to cut the cost of health care and improve productivity in the aging workforce because patients treated with combinations of bioidentical hormones and targeted nutraceuticals have more energy and simply “feel” better.

“The value of methylation pathway biochemistry is a medical breakthrough. It came from the world of autism because 100% of autistic children have problems with methylation disturbances” says autism expert Lynette Louise who highlighted methylation on her radio show.

“To find a clinician who is able to balance your methylation pathways contact us at or call (877) 745-9763. To view upcoming lectures given by Drs. Rozakis and Bakke send an email to “GEMS is an idea whose time has come” says Dr. Rozakis. “We are here to teach and train clinicians to implement this into their practices as well as work to lower health care costs.”

Company Information: xR is a network of forward thinking physicians and scientists who specialize in the application of genetics, bioidentical hormones, nutraceuticals, and nutritional recommendations to improve patient outcomes and reduce the cost of healthcare. “xR” derives its name from the inverse of the traditional symbol for prescription “Rx”. Ideal health is the balance between xR and Rx care. Visit us at